Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Identify one or two ways you can help prepare your students for attacks on their Christian faith.


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/06/2021 at 14:39

    1. Give students a solid understanding of the reasons for their faith in the face of problems the world may have with it, i.e. a way to explain the hope they have in Christ and defend against common arguments.
    2. Provide opportunities to examine other points of view outside their faith so they are able to listen well, recognize the differences, and speak wisely about their own view point.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/01/2021 at 01:08

    Number one, by giving them reference to Scripture. They need to know that Jesus and the disciples underwent attacks for their faith too. Something I tell my own children all of the time is that if Christ went through all of that for us, we can handle some attacks for his namesake also. Additionally, I always make clear that no matter how difficult some things might be, or what our struggles are, or what trials we might go through, we will get through it. Eternity awaits those who don’t abandon their faith in Jesus.

    Secondly, I would help prepare them by giving them scenarios they might face in advance. I liked Dr. Black’s suggestion to bring in a local newspaper and know what’s going on in your community. I want to be able to share the world around my students and hold those headlines or stories up against Scripture.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/30/2021 at 12:08

    One of the most important ways is to help them memorize scripture. That is the tactic Jesus used when Satan attacked him. If the Word is hidden in their hearts the Spirit will help them recall it when the time comes. We should be honest with students in all our discussion about our faith. It shouldn’t be painted as a carefree life with no troubles. We must help them build that house upon the rock, a firm foundation, so when the storms come they can withstand them. Having role playing activities where we practice how to graciously discuss our faith with others would be a practical way to work on preparing them. We could also provide a lesson and time to work on sharing our testimony with others.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/29/2021 at 22:06

    We can prepare for attacks by discussing the issues before hand so that they are prepared for the arguments and have the biblical ammunition to fight back. Jesus did not tell us to be doormats. He fought the moneylenders and disrupted their trade. We can discuss how the government has taken away the right to worship during COVID and how that was a violation of not just the constitution but the Christian faith. We should help them to stand up for their ability to worship.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/29/2021 at 20:46

    It’s imperative that we prepare our students for incoming attacks on Christian faith. We see it every day, through television commercials, news reports, community talks, etc. Christian children and adults are in fight against our identity. We as Christian Educators need to teach that we are created in the image of God, that our identity is through Him and for Him. The LGBTQ movement pushes hard against Christian faith. It’s important to lay those scriptures out for our students, why we believe what we do, in obedience to God. It’s important to teach and model, how to disciple through love, yet unwavering in truth. Loving someone isn’t “agreeing with their sin”, but loving them enough to give them the way to true freedom and eternal life. I pray that I am able to convey that through the ministry that God has given me.

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