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Tagged: NT109-04
In this lesson we learned that Jesus communicated truth through miracles and parables. Give an example of each.
Deleted User replied 4 months, 3 weeks ago 79 Members · 78 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User04/22/2022 at 22:02The raising Lazarus from the dead is a miracle. In miracles Christ demonstrated his power and authority over the physical world. In this case he demonstrates his authority over death. He clearly states that what is happening is for his glory, the glory of the Father and that the disciples might believe. This theme is true in all the miracles Christ performed.
The lost coin and the lost sheep are parables. Parables are simple stories that illustrate a spiritual truth. While the story is simple the truth may often be hidden and require thought and nvestigation to reveal. I have heard them described as an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Many are preceded with “The kingdom of heaven is like—–” He was describing the unknowable truths of God’s kingdom to them in earthly comparisons that they could understand and relate to
Deleted User
Deleted User04/17/2022 at 22:17One miracle was when He turned water into wine, another is when He healed the blind man. An example of a parable is the sower who sower seeds some that fell by the wayside and the birds are them. Then some seeds fell on stony ground where there was not a lot of soil, they didnt take roots and the plants were scorched by the sun. Then some seeds fell on thorns and were choked. Still others fell on good ground and yielded a good crop. This parable describes how God’s Word goes out to some people, but th at don’t understand it and the devil takes it away. Then others hear the word, accepts it with joy, but it doesn’t take root so it only last a little while. Then others who hears the word cares more about the world and riches, they are choked by worldly desires and become untruthful. Then those where the seed falls on good ground are fruitful.
Deleted User
Deleted User03/29/2022 at 08:32The first example of Jesus’ miracle was making wine out of water at the Canaan feast. It also fed more than 5,000 people with two fish and five rice cakes. Examples of Jesus’ parable especially spoke a lot about heaven. For example, the story of the prodigal son, the story of the seed-spritter, etc.
Deleted User
Deleted User03/14/2022 at 20:06The miracle of calming the storm and the wind shows that Jesus is the Son of God, and only God can go against the law of nature.
The parable of the good Samaritan teaches us the lesson that everyone can be a helper to others, regardless of race or ethnicity.
Deleted User
Deleted User02/24/2022 at 17:18An example of truth through a miracle is when Jesus told the waves and wind to be still. The waves and wind would obey no one but their Creator.
An example of truth through a parable is the Good Samaritan. This parable shows us that it doesn’t matter who we are or where we come from, Jesus died for us.