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Tagged: CE201-03
In what ways do you make your students feel valued?
Deleted User replied 4 months, 1 week ago 259 Members · 258 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User02/03/2023 at 10:04The way I do this is through listening. A lot of the times they don’t always want feedback and sometimes all it takes is for someone to just listen to what they have to say. Depending on what it is and what is going on I let them know that I will pray for them, that I already do but now I can be more specific about what to pray for. Also being a physical education teacher is by encouraging them always. When they are successful or even unsuccessful at times showing them encouragement shows that I value them and want them to succeed rather than just sitting back and letting anything happen success or failure.
Deleted User
Deleted User01/29/2023 at 15:40I listen and show interest in what they are interested in. I encourage them and pray for them. We talk about God’s word as the truth, that He is a creator and created them uniquely and perfectly, and how much He loves them.
Deleted User
Deleted User01/17/2023 at 21:56I make my students feel valued by listening to them when they share their thoughts or answers. I also try and understand how they are feeling that day or try to invest in what their home life is like. Sometimes their home life can creep into school and just knowing the situation at home and extending grace is all they need. I am also a teacher that looks for not just the big “wins” but the small wins each student may encounter. I celebrate those small wins!
Deleted User
Deleted User01/10/2023 at 06:28Every time my student answers a question, right or wrong, I never tell them “wrong!” I always coat with something like, “Wow, nice try! You gave an awesome effort. Let’s try someone else, too.” Also, when my students are doing project weeks, I always take them out of the classroom one by one, and we sit down together (in view of the course inside the glass door so I can keep an eye on them ;)) and just talk – life, family, grades, difficulties, praises, etc. I just want each student to know I want to know them better.
Deleted User
Deleted User12/27/2022 at 19:59I try to notice and praise even small efforts they make to work well. I remind them of the privilege we have be in a Christ- centered environment where we can openly talk about God and that He is ready to help them in any of the situations they may face.