Christian Learning Center › Forums › Discussion Forum › In your own words, describe the “war” discussed by Dr. Dodson in this lesson.
Tagged: NT050-03
In your own words, describe the “war” discussed by Dr. Dodson in this lesson.
Deleted User replied 4 months ago 55 Members · 56 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User03/29/2022 at 18:51if you dont know this war, then well your not fighting it and have given ones self over to sinful desires, denying ourself doesnt feel pleasant.Narrow is the path. difficult the way… Its hopeless to do in your own strength. We must rely on God. the strength He provides”walking in the Spirit”
it rages on inside of us all, Daily…some days are worse than others but as we grow in Christ we become trained..God is patient and teaches us..not tossed to and fro by every wind and wave..Jesus said in this world you will have tribulation but take heart I have overcome the world. if anyone would follow me they must deny themselves daily.pick up their cross and follow me. the one living in you is greater than the one living in the world. Faith is the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord And Savior.. -
Deleted User
Deleted User03/19/2022 at 01:13As long as we are in this body there will be a struggle between the flesh and the Spirit. It is called a “War” one wages against the other. We can overcome because we are overcomers in Christ, and we can depend on the power of the Holy Spirit to help us win the war, just “show up for the battle”. We, as Believers must live, walk according to the Spirit and the flesh will not win.
Deleted User
Deleted User03/15/2022 at 09:34War is the battle between flesh and the holy spirit.
Deleted User
Deleted User03/12/2022 at 18:32War is a battle that will hurt and restore us and thank God for his spirit .It’s a fight worth fighting for, once you know why you are fighting for , than the freedom begins to resonate in our hearts.
Deleted User
Deleted User01/27/2022 at 21:40The war is the battle of the enemy for our soul. We live in a corrupt world and in a corrupt body. As long as we are in this world the enemy will make an attempt to distract us and cause us to choose to sin.