Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum J. P. Moreland said, “The New Testament writers say, ‘These things were not done in a corner [Acts 26:26], they were done in public, and you know,’ they say to their audience, ‘that these things really happened.’ Why that is so important is this, when it comes to the New Testament, the miracles of Jesus are actually signs that He was who He claimed to be. Jesus repeatedly said, ‘Don’t believe Me because of my words. Don’t believe Me because I say I’m a prophet from God or that I’m His Son. Believe Me because the signs I do simply can’t be explained if I’m simply a man.’ ” Why would Jesus appeal to miracles as evidence of the truth of His claims?


  • J. P. Moreland said, “The New Testament writers say, ‘These things were not done in a corner [Acts 26:26], they were done in public, and you know,’ they say to their audience, ‘that these things really happened.’ Why that is so important is this, when it comes to the New Testament, the miracles of Jesus are actually signs that He was who He claimed to be. Jesus repeatedly said, ‘Don’t believe Me because of my words. Don’t believe Me because I say I’m a prophet from God or that I’m His Son. Believe Me because the signs I do simply can’t be explained if I’m simply a man.’ ” Why would Jesus appeal to miracles as evidence of the truth of His claims?

    Deleted User replied 8 months, 3 weeks ago 21 Members · 20 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    04/10/2022 at 01:51

    Because the miracles were acts that were impossible for mere humans to accomplish. They defied logic, science, and the very laws of nature. God however has power over all: nature, man, law, and science. Since He created the world and established the laws, He being the great I AM was the only one who could perform such feats.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/02/2022 at 15:36

    Words can be repeated and I feel like anyone could say what Jesus said, but not everyone could back it up. Only Jesus could back up His words with actions and so he made a point to express that to His followers. Actions speak louder than words…we have all heard that saying. But at the core it is true. What we do has more importance than what we say at times, and I feel that this was true with Jesus’ appeal to believe the miracles.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    01/24/2022 at 11:17

    Jewish law clearly staed that certain miracles coud only be done by the messiah. 1) healing a man blind from birth. 2) healing of leporacy. 3) the casting out dumb demon. Thes were performed publicly
    A) so there would be hundreds, even thousands of eye witnesses to verify these events and 2) so that some would believe he was the Son ofGod.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    01/09/2022 at 09:11

    Jesus appealed to miracles as evidence of truth to His claims that he was the Son of God. He did this to sort himself out from imposters who also made this claim with words, but couldn’t back it with actions. By performing miracles it demonstrated that he did have God’s power. The miracles also demonstrated what the kingdom of God would be like (no sickness, no death…).

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    11/19/2021 at 02:37

    Jesus appealed to miracles as evidence of the truth of his claims because God used miracles from the old testament to show himself as powerful God to his people, also Jesus did them to encourage men and women to believe in him for Everlasting life.

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