Share one or two things you learned in this course that will change your approach in the classroom. - Discussion Forum - Our Daily Bread University

Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Share one or two things you learned in this course that will change your approach in the classroom.


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    03/01/2022 at 15:33

    The first thing is that our Biblical Worldview must be directly tied to every aspect of our planning and lessons. As we approach teaching, we must use our Biblical worldview to inform every aspect of the lessons we plan. We can’t just say we have a Christian Worldview, we have to live it as well. Mentorship and discipleship need to be part of lesson planning and delivery. Setting ourselves apart from public schools by making intentional time to invest ourselves into the lives of our students, is of vital importance.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/16/2022 at 11:06

    I learned in this course valuable examples of how to integrate Biblical worldview in my lessons.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/10/2022 at 17:33

    As I read for this course, I was reminded how my beliefs about students shift how I teach. When I consider the student as a dearly loved child of God and consider the learning in the classroom as part of the greater learning God has in store for them, the way I motivate, engage, and correct them changes. Their need for instruction is shifted because I recognize the relationship between school and the work God has in store for all of them as learners. My persistence, patience, and grace can now better reflect what God has for me because they are His and I am teaching them within the greater context of his world.
    I also recognized how my beliefs about right and wrong shift how I consider all topics within the classroom. While their are skills and methods, I can better connect my worldview an understanding to how I approach topics within many subjects. Literary characters and historical figures with different opinions than my own can be more fully considered within the perspective of a God centered worldview. While each topic may not naturally connect, as I consider my own worldview more clearly, I can see and better teach from a perspective that recognizes differences while pointing to God’s view as trustworthy even when people’s view of his view can shift.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/04/2022 at 13:15

    I learned the importance of really taking the time and being intentional about the biblical integration before lesson plans even start. I always try to incorporate biblical integration into each lesson but I don’t start with that and build around it.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    01/15/2022 at 00:26

    I love the idea of mentorship and discipleship. I have an idea of what this looks like in my church, but how does it look in my classroom? I want to make sure that I am putting time and effort into the individual students in my course, and providing an opportunity for me to connect with them and guide them in both school and life issues. I also realize that teaching is my calling and that God has gifted me in this area. Sometimes I find it so draining and discouraging, but knowing that God has equipped me with some skills to succeed in this area, gives me the encouragement to move forward.

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