Christian Learning Center › Forums › Discussion Forum › Share one or two ways you embed biblical principles in your lessons. If you don’t already do so, describe how a teacher you know does it.
Tagged: CE201-10
Share one or two ways you embed biblical principles in your lessons. If you don’t already do so, describe how a teacher you know does it.
Deleted User replied 4 months, 2 weeks ago 128 Members · 127 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User06/26/2022 at 18:32I teach second graders so I am always looking for words or phrases in our learning that could connect with a biblical principle. I love how the Lord can reveal to me a truth based on what has already been taught in Scripture, or even how Scripture or biblical truth had been integrated into a different subject, that can then be seamlessly discussed again to show a different facet of God’s truth. I want my teaching to be integrating the biblical truths all throughout the day with ease and not a feeling of “Oh, I have to put something in here about the Lord or Scripture.” and it come off as awkward. When I model that in course, it is amazing to watch how the children grow in incorporating biblical truths in their sentences and creative writing skills or point out a biblical truth when I am teaching another subject.
Deleted User
Deleted User06/25/2022 at 16:07I will be doing this a lot as we study logic together! God is logical, belief in God is logical! While I teach Latin, I can teach the students the history of the early church in Rome.
Deleted User
Deleted User06/22/2022 at 10:54One of my favorite biology lessons is called “DNA is a code!” When discussing genetics, we can study how our Creator has embedded His fingerprint into the smallest building blocks of every organism. We learn that every code must have a code designer. Also, in earth science, we study the evidence for and against the different theories of origins. Then, we present our findings in a debate format.
Deleted User
Deleted User06/21/2022 at 14:59As a band director, I like to emphasize the creative and worshipful aspects of God’s Word as I teach. I will often tell the students that God is most pleased with music that glorifies Him.
Deleted User
Deleted User06/20/2022 at 14:26Algebra teaches students to think logically and orderly. By applying mathematical rules, the student’s answers will be correct. God is true and orderly (Deut. 32:4). Mathematics, which comes directly from our study of God’s created universe, is also true and orderly. Colossians 3:23 admonishes Christians to do everything heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. This admonition includes algebra.