Christian Learning Center › Forums › Discussion Forum › Share your story of how you came to be where you are in Christian education. Have you shared this story with your students?
Tagged: CE201-12
Share your story of how you came to be where you are in Christian education. Have you shared this story with your students?
Deleted User replied 4 months, 2 weeks ago 117 Members · 117 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User07/18/2022 at 22:53I first came to my school 11 years ago to do my student teaching. After getting married I was hired on to teach 6th grade. I taught there for 3 years until our daughter was born. I left teaching all together to work in college admissions because at the time we needed better pay. I worked in college admissions for 6 years. Once Covid hit I was forced to decide if what I was doing was what I was truly called to do. I didn’t want my now two kids to do school online. I happened to go to the schools website because I was just curious what they were doing the next year. Then I saw that they were hiring and felt the Holy Spirit tell me to apply. I prayed about it, talked with my husband, kids, and wise counsel and decided I would apply. I was hired back and taught my first year back in the classroom to 25 students in a huge double classroom with everyone wearing masks but it was amazing!! Now going into my third year I am getting to start a program for students with learning disabilities. This has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. I love sharing with my students and families about what brought me back to our school.
Deleted User
Deleted User07/07/2022 at 18:15I taught English abroad in Indonesia for 11 years before returning back to the states to teach at a Christian school. God simply provided me with the opportunity to teach at the same Christian school my dad was teaching at, for the past year! God simply opened doors and I simply walked through them! What a wonderful experience it has been, and an honor, to teach children the truth(s) of God’s Word and to weave it into every subject taught in school. It has helped me to mature in my faith /walk with the Lord.
Deleted User
Deleted User07/06/2022 at 10:16I have shared my story with my students each year.
Deleted User
Deleted User07/02/2022 at 19:18After living in Poland for 15 years as a missionary, God called my family back to the States. We settled in an area of the country where we did not have any familial roots. After many years of teaching ESL to my Polish students, started over and searched for a similar position. Amazingly, in the same city was an international Christian school to which I applied as a teacher. So now I am working mostly with Korean students, using my skills of imparting knowledge to people whose native tongue is not English. I am thankful for the experiences God uses in my life to prepare for the next challenge. He is faithful to equip me to do good works in the lives of these precious children. (Also, I grew up with an adopted brother from Korea).
Deleted User
Deleted User07/01/2022 at 11:20I started in a public school and as much as i enjoyed it I knew there was more I wanted to be able to share with students and parents. After prayer the Lord open the door for me to start teaching in a Christian school.