Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Share your story of how you came to be where you are in Christian education. Have you shared this story with your students?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/16/2022 at 05:01

    I was doing part-time teaching in two schools, then once in a while, I was called to sub in this school that I am currently teaching full time. When I was asked to come and teach full time in this current school, I had to ask God in prayer whether I should accept, the answer was so clear that that is in line with His will for me to be there for Him and represent Him daily. So,
    I accepted the offer and that is why I am there teaching doing what God has called me to do with the subject I teach.

    I have shared with some of my students who asked.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/15/2022 at 21:10

    My first experience in a Christian school was a result of God intervening in my life. I had to quit my first job out of school and was jobless for about 3 months. I was very active in my local church and was asked to come work in the office. At the end of the year it became apparent that they were going to need a new kindergarten teacher and they asked me. I did not go to school to become a teacher, but God was showing me a passion for Christian Education. Since then I have allowed God to stretch me and use me for His purpose in the Christian school.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/07/2022 at 11:36

    I worked in law enforcement for nearly 11 years. During this time God called me to serve as a volunteer leader in our youth group. over the next six years he gave me a passion for youth ministry and discipling students. God started prepping me for a career change and eventually he called me into ministry where I now serve as the spiritual life director at the school and as the assistant youth minister at our church. Our school is considered a ministry of the church.

    I share my testimony and this story with every course the first day of course. The cool thing is this was a recent change a few years ago so some of my students now were my middle school guys when I first started serving. My students now have been witnesses to this story first hand and have been a part of it.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/06/2022 at 10:34

    I have been actively involved in ministry throughout my adult life. Before I was married as a single, I had a Pastor who noted that I was gifted in communicating the narrative of scripture. He asked me to teach regularly. It was after getting married and having children that he instructed (strongly directed) me to be actively involved in children’s ministry. My involvement in children’s ministry grew over time and an opportunity presented to teach Bible in a Christian school. I stepped into the classroom 10 years ago and haven’t looked back. During that time I went on to better equip myself with some continued education at the post graduate level. Those around me that I respect spiritually, as well as the Holy Spirit personally, via the Word, have assured me that the current will of God in my life is teach His Word to the audience in front of me daily. That audience at this time is between the ages of 11-18. Amen.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/04/2022 at 10:25

    I actually started off as a nursing major when I started college. After two years, God made it perfectly clear nursing was not for me. So, I took some time off from school and started helping at a school for children with disabilities. I started working in the dorms, getting kids ready for school. A year later I also started working as an individual classroom aide. I realized I loved working with the kids in the school. My boss encouraged me to go back to school to get my teaching certificate, so I did. God orchestrated the whole thing. When it came time to do my student teaching, the school I had aided in was in desperate need of a teacher, so they called the school I was attending. We ended up working out a plan where I did my student teaching in a course I was going to take over. The principal of the school was my supervising teacher. After teaching there for a few years, I ended up getting married and moved an hour south. I taught for 2 years in a public school. It was not my favorite experience, but I can still see how God used that time to grow my faith. I then took 10 years off to raise my four children. When my baby was going into Preschool, the school my children were attending was looking to hire a PreK/K teacher. God opened the door and I walked through with confidence. The school was extremely small. We only had a bout 2-3 kids per grade, so as teachers we taught multiple grades in one classroom. Unfortunately, after teaching at Unity for 4 years, the doors had to be closed. Again, God stepped up to the plate for me. It is amazing how His faithfulness endures forever! When we were looking for a school to send our kids to, we toured Grace Christian Academy. We immediately loved the school and what they stood for. They made it very clear they valued academics, but they were more invested in teaching kids to pursue wisdom. My husband and I loved this. We were so grateful to God to leading us to this school. Then again, God opens a door for me. Grace ended up needing a first-grade teacher the year my kids were going to start. I applied, and God again showed up and the job was mine. We are now in our third year at Grace, and we love it. Our kids are thriving, and God is continuing to grow me as a Christian educator. Each week at our staff meetings, our principal asks us, “How are you growing?”. At first, I was very uncomfortable with this. Now I love that he challenges us. After all, if we are expecting our students to grow in wisdom, why are we not expecting the same thing for ourselves.

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