Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum The purpose of this FastTrax course is to give ourselves a flow of how the New Testament fits together. What might be a benefit that would result from learning this?


  • The purpose of this FastTrax course is to give ourselves a flow of how the New Testament fits together. What might be a benefit that would result from learning this?

    Deleted User replied 5 months, 3 weeks ago 128 Members · 132 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/12/2022 at 07:55

    We will understand our purpose in life so we can live a life God has given us, to serve him and our fellow human beings.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/31/2022 at 21:43

    Understanding the Gospels, and their different emphasis, and how Acts and the Epistles show how the church grew in its early years, and some of the discussions that occurred.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/31/2022 at 19:02

    It is always good to have a general outline or summary to build from.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    04/25/2022 at 23:03

    We are asked, “How then should we live in Jesus Christ?”. That is the most important answer and I believe that everything that we need to know is in the New Testament. You also benefit from reading the Old Testament at the same time and comparing what the two say.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    04/21/2022 at 08:48

    The true focus of the books remains Jesus Christ throughout the New Testament. The high level flow is Christ from God’s long term intention to provide a savior and redeemer to reestablish our broken relationship with Him The gospels flow to Christ birth, sinless live, death, resurrection, ascension and prophetic return. Act move to early days of the Church and the epistles show us how to live by faith and maintain a vital relationship with God through the Holy Spirit and how the Church functions as the body of Christ. Revelation reveals Christ return as our king and judge and it reveals the glories of eternal life in heaven. If we do not understand this flow and study the books of the New Testament independently we will miss “God’s Big Picture”, miss the true joy of God’s word and develop flawed theology.

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