Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum The purpose of this FastTrax course is to give ourselves a flow of how the New Testament fits together. What might be a benefit that would result from learning this?


  • The purpose of this FastTrax course is to give ourselves a flow of how the New Testament fits together. What might be a benefit that would result from learning this?

    Deleted User replied 5 months, 3 weeks ago 128 Members · 132 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/05/2021 at 17:41

    After reading the portion of Stedman’s book I realized there were so many connections and symbols in the Gospels that I missed when reading the Bible and attending church. I think a benefit of learning the history and flow helps us better understand our faith, learn how to share our faith, and make connections in the past, present and future.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/04/2021 at 11:51

    I plan on using the simplicity of this first lesson to keep me on track as I read and study. If I find myself confused or lost I can go back to the central message of “God sent his son into the world to save sinners.”

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/30/2021 at 21:04

    Having an overview gives one an opportunity to see how all the books fit together. I think you can a deeper understanding of the Bible when you see how everything works together.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/24/2021 at 06:31

    Learning how the whole new Testament fits together helps us to see the big picture of Christianity.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/18/2021 at 18:25

    It is a necessity to understand the way the New Testament fits together, whether in a group or individual study. For an example, understanding the way the Old and New Testament work together to tell a complete story is vital. Otherwise, we are studying an incomplete story.
    By understanding how the New Testament is written, we are able to use the Bible in all aspects of our life and what our needs are at any particular time.

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