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What are some reasons one should study the Old Testament?
Deleted User replied 4 months, 1 week ago 389 Members · 404 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User02/27/2024 at 20:42First, to know the beginning of everything. It is the foundation of our hope. How can we explain why Jesus came and died on a cross? We need to know how sin came into the world. Through the story of the Israelites, we get to know God, His character, His will, how He takes care and protects His people, and how He deals with disobedience. It sets the stage for the New Testament. You cannot start to read a book in the middle and expect to understand its content: you need to start at the beginning.
Deleted User
Deleted User02/26/2024 at 15:22To know God’s story. The story He created from the beginning of time. To see how He has been calling His people to be in relationship with Him and is constantly giving them and us another chance and another chance and another… It’s a story of a Father’s love for His children, and the means of which He will take in order to bring them home.
Deleted User
Deleted User02/21/2024 at 16:58It tells else how life began, where we came from and who God is. It also fulfills prophecies to show God is true to his Word.
Deleted User
Deleted User02/21/2024 at 15:13It lets us get to know about God, Jewish people, it lets also see how in the past satan how works and to take note for things that are coming to pass warning us for the end times
Deleted User
Deleted User02/17/2024 at 20:23It teaches us about God and is the foundation for the NT.