What are some ways you can help pass on a biblical worldview to your students? - Discussion Forum - Our Daily Bread University

Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum What are some ways you can help pass on a biblical worldview to your students?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    01/01/2023 at 15:00

    1. Demonstrate enthusiasm when talking about what the Bible says.
    2. Encourage Scripture memorization
    3. Encourage students to look and be thankful for ways that God works in their everyday lives
    4. Consistently remind them that God is still in control despite any negativity they may see happening in their communities and the world.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/30/2022 at 05:50

    While working in a public school, I knew that one of the students I was working with came from a faith-based home. One time, he was mistreating his friends and they were saddened by his behavior. I pulled him aside and asked him, "Would Jesus be happy with the way you are behaving, the way you are treating your friends?" This young man looked to the ground and said, "no." I then talked to him about how when we interact with our friends, we need to treat them kindly and the way Jesus would want us to. He was encouraged that I did not yell, but shared a gentle reminder. I was very nervous that speaking of Jesus at a public school would get me into trouble, but, there were no repercussions from this conversation. This young man is still tugs at my heart-strings and I maintain contact with his family.

    Even when I am in a situation where even speaking of my faith can get me into trouble, I still share my philosophy, my position on matters, what God says about how we are to treat one another. Many times, this has even taught me to look from His perspective rather than from my own. Sharing with students what you believe based on Scripture is always going to convey to them where you stand, what you believe, and what you want them to know about having a faithful perspective on all they will face.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/30/2022 at 05:50

    While working in a public school, I knew that one of the students I was working with came from a faith-based home. One time, he was mistreating his friends and they were saddened by his behavior. I pulled him aside and asked him, “Would Jesus be happy with the way you are behaving, the way you are treating your friends?” This young man looked to the ground and said, “no.” I then talked to him about how when we interact with our friends, we need to treat them kindly and the way Jesus would want us to. He was encouraged that I did not yell, but shared a gentle reminder. I was very nervous that speaking of Jesus at a public school would get me into trouble, but, there were no repercussions from this conversation. This young man is still tugs at my heart-strings and I maintain contact with his family.

    Even when I am in a situation where even speaking of my faith can get me into trouble, I still share my philosophy, my position on matters, what God says about how we are to treat one another. Many times, this has even taught me to look from His perspective rather than from my own. Sharing with students what you believe based on Scripture is always going to convey to them where you stand, what you believe, and what you want them to know about having a faithful perspective on all they will face.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/26/2022 at 18:39

    I could encourage them to memorize Scripture and I could also encourage them to read their Bible regularly.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/21/2022 at 16:05

    To be a great role model to them each and everyday. Put God into everything you are teaching.

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