Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum What are some ways you can help pass on a biblical worldview to your students?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/16/2021 at 13:32

    I try to talk the talk and walk and walk of a follower of Christ. This past school year, when one of the courses got very disrespectful and unrulily, I would stop and pray for guidance and patience. It would always bring questions and put the focus on God.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/16/2021 at 13:12

    I teach art and my students have a lot of working time that they converse with one another and I just quietly listen. Sometimes the conversation gets off track and I need to be careful to guide them back to a proper Biblical worldview. I think my biggest challenge doing this would be to memorize Scripture so that I can teach diligently and talk naturally to help shape their worldview.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/15/2021 at 15:34

    Passing a biblical world view on to my students can happen in a formal setting or an informal setting. Jesus walked and talked with His followers. He shared formal messages like the sermon on the mount, and then talked casually with His disciples over dinner. He is our example of when and where to share our Biblical world view. It is with our lives and our communication with others where we will have the biggest impact.

    Children at a very young age can tell if someone is genuine or insincere in their actions. They are watching, listening, picking up on social cues, and body language. They are like little detectives. As a mother and an educator, I have never had to train a child to tattle on other children. They are ready and willing to tell about anything or anyone who breaks a rule or is doing something wrong. In my classroom I discourage tattling on others and train children to tell on themselves. Now, if children are watching other children this closely, be sure they are also watching adults. The best way to share your biblical world view is to live it, share it, and be sincere in the struggles and how you work through them using Gods Word as your own guide. He is our refuge and help in times of trouble.

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