Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum What do you think the lecturer means when she says “loving one another is based on truth”? Why is this an important concept to understand?


  • What do you think the lecturer means when she says “loving one another is based on truth”? Why is this an important concept to understand?

    Deleted User replied 4 months, 3 weeks ago 136 Members · 136 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    09/26/2023 at 10:18

    She’s reminding us of Jesus’ command to Christians. Because it was Jesus’ most important commandment.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    09/16/2023 at 12:08

    If we recognize what real love is, according to Christ’s example, then our love will be similar. We each are not Jesus, so it’s tough to live out His perfect love towards others, but we are called to demonstrate this to our students. Christ-like love is what they need; it’s a game changer to all who experience it.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/24/2023 at 16:43

    She means that people can only love each other when they first have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Otherwise it would be nearly impossible to love one another. Without the relationship with God first, it would just be emotions and feelings and hurting each other. However when we have the love of Christ in our heart, which is true love, then we can truly love others as Christ loved us. We can have compassion, mercy and grace towards others. We can also be in pain if our brothers or sisters get far away from God and we can pray for them or guide them back to the right path with the love of Christ.
    This is an important concept to understand because love does not exist apart from the truth. We can love our students if we are first recipients of God’s love.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/18/2023 at 13:38

    I think the lecture means that when we teach our students or speak with other believers or non-believers we are to speak truth in love, or as she stated graciously speak truth, truth from the Scriptures, to offer reproof and correction for wrong beliefs. It is important to understand that we must speak truth graciously with love because if we use God’s Word to speak harshly to others we quickly close the door to impart any correction that the Scriptures may help the person realize.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/05/2023 at 10:02

    Loving others requires a knowledge of what is true to know how to best help and support them. Their feelings and experiences are real and valid, but when they go against what is true, it is loving to care about them as people but also gently speak truth into their life. Affirming something that goes against God is not loving.

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