Christian Learning Center›Forums›Discussion Forum›What does Dr. Black mean when she says the Christian school is important in raising a generation that is more than just competent cognitively?
They must be prepared spiritually for this life and for eternity.
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Deleted User
07/06/2022 at 14:37
Our students need to know the material, but they also need to be grounded in their faith. Part of what we do as Christian educators is teach these truths.
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Deleted User
07/06/2022 at 14:15
God has given teachers and parents the role to not only pass on book knowledge, but also heart knowledge. We need to know God not just by memorizing facts, but really knowing (having a relationship) the God who created everything.
Deleted User
Deleted User
06/30/2022 at 02:19
Students need to develop good moral character as well and in our case it is having a Biblical worldview.
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Deleted User
06/28/2022 at 12:02
A Christian school should be raising up students who love the Lord, whose relationship with him will impact the way they live their lives using the gifts and strengths he has given them.