What does the lecturer mean when she says you are here to educate your students for eternity? - Discussion Forum - Our Daily Bread University

Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum What does the lecturer mean when she says you are here to educate your students for eternity?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/05/2022 at 17:42

    That the most important thing we can teach our students is about Christ and their identity in him. They may forget that awesome math lesson but they will remember the truths of scripture lived out and shared by us.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/01/2022 at 13:37

    Christ didn’t come to earth to teach us how to behave just for the purpose of having a nice life here. He came because he wants us to choose to follow him so that we can have eternal life in Heaven with Him. As teachers, it is imperative that we steer our students toward Christ as He is the “way, the truth, and the life and no man come to the Father but through Him.”

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/01/2022 at 10:05

    What we teach our students will stay with them forever

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/01/2022 at 10:04

    What we are teaching will stay with them forever. It sets the foundation

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/29/2022 at 23:45

    Learning occurs for a lifetime, not just when students are in the classroom.

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