What does the lecturer mean when she says you are here to educate your students for eternity? - Discussion Forum - Our Daily Bread University

Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum What does the lecturer mean when she says you are here to educate your students for eternity?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/29/2022 at 21:25

    Educating to know God for the future…

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/29/2022 at 19:27

    What we teach them not only has to impact their minds, but their hearts as well. We get to teach them about the Word of God, and this could forever impact their lives and our hope is that through Christian Education they can come to have a personal relationship with Jesus.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/28/2022 at 00:02

    How we educate our students, and what we tell them about the Lord, God is able to use unto their salvation. What is taught in the classroom can have eternal ramifications.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/27/2022 at 10:59

    We are here to educate our studetns for eternity because things of eternal value matter most. At the end of teh day, it does not matter how much a child knows or how well they do, but that you have pointed them to a savior who loves them and wants a relationship with them. I took a Bible course while preparing for my degree, and the professor said in the first course that grades matter less than the person we were learning about. He would rather us get a C in his course and know that our time was spent less on learning facts and more on spending more time with Jesus and growing in our relationship with our Savior. Thats eternally focused education.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/26/2022 at 04:30

    When the lecturer said I am here to educate my students for eternity, she is saying that the foundational understanding of who we are is because of GOD. All of life’s questions of “Where did I come from?”, “Why am I here?”, etc… can be found in God’s Word. Through learning God’s Word and how we are fearfully and wonderfully made, we can help students understand that eternity is what matters most. It does not matter if you have gained the whole world of knowledge and every scholastic award. You cannot take that with you when you die. All will spend eternity in one of two places – heaven or hell. We are able to educate our students to understand that we were made to glorify the Lord and for relationship with Him. Sin separates us from God, but through Jesus Christ and His sacrifice, we can have eternal LIFE instead of eternal separation.

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