Christian Learning Center › Forums › Discussion Forum › What does the lecturer mean when she says you are here to educate your students for eternity?
Tagged: CE201-02
What does the lecturer mean when she says you are here to educate your students for eternity?
Deleted User replied 4 months, 3 weeks ago 174 Members · 175 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User03/16/2022 at 18:56We are teaching them how to have eternal life. We are not just teaching them things that will affect them only up to a point in their lives, but we’re teaching things that will impact them for all eternity.
Deleted User
Deleted User03/14/2022 at 22:58We are not just teaching our students to prepare them for college, or for after college. We are preparing them for life that will continue after death. We pour into our students to help them know and live for Christ now, but also to point them to the hope of eternal life that awaits those who believe. We are together with parents helping these students learn that God loves them and has intentionally designed this life and eternity with him for them, and how to receive the salvation necessary to be reconciled to God and have access to him in life and after death.
Deleted User
Deleted User03/13/2022 at 23:09Educating with an eternal perspective means understanding when to set aside content for more significant spiritual conversations. It also means that it is essential that we infuse content with conversations about God, so our students learn that spiritual matters are not separate from academic or social ones.
Deleted User
Deleted User03/11/2022 at 13:55She means that as Christian educators, we should teach and prepare our students for the Christian journey in this world and the coming of our Lord. Also, they need to know how to walk in the precepts of God. Each student should know that God loves them and died for them, and He deserves to be praised.
Deleted User
Deleted User02/24/2022 at 19:30I touched on this in my answer to the first discussion question. We are made as eternal beings. I attended a funeral recently, and the pastor said something that I can’t get out of my hear. He said, “we are not a body with a soul, we are a soul with a body.” I think if we see our students’ souls, we may teach them differently. They bodies are temporary. Their souls are eternal. I think we need to focus on nurturing the soul. Don’t not think about nurturing their bodies as well but making their soul a priority.