Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum What have you noticed or learned are the most pressing concerns and issues that church or ministry members seek counsel on or ask for from your church or organization in your specific context? / How might you and the rest of your church’s or organization’s leadership team respond to these changing needs effectively as redemptive leaders? What actions are required to respond suitably? / What further reading or resources have helped you in your leadership development, especially to meet the changing needs of your community?


  • What have you noticed or learned are the most pressing concerns and issues that church or ministry members seek counsel on or ask for from your church or organization in your specific context? / How might you and the rest of your church’s or organization’s leadership team respond to these changing needs effectively as redemptive leaders? What actions are required to respond suitably? / What further reading or resources have helped you in your leadership development, especially to meet the changing needs of your community?

    Deleted User replied 4 months, 1 week ago 14 Members · 14 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/21/2024 at 12:48

    One of concerns I have heard about is that new comers not feeling welcomed and often feel left out in group gatherings. Having an assigned welcome team on times of fellowship and meetings and training leaders is one way we are able to address this issue. Another way is having a regular meet and greet sessions so that new comers are able to meet some of the leadership and be connected with the groups that fits their interests and needs. We can also invite new comers to complete an information card and then making sure they are contacted in a timely manner and connected with groups.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    04/30/2024 at 04:05

    I am not in a leadership position but a lot of needs are financial and many people come to church seeking prayer for sickness. Having prayer meetings are important for the sick. Another big one is church hurt. It’s important that leadership is living a Biblical life so that people will trust them. If there’s no trust then it’s impossible to minister to someone. A lot of people are seeking for community so it’s important to have special events so the community knows the church cares about them.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    04/28/2024 at 07:01

    I am not in a traditional leadership role right now, but have been approached so many times recently about God and Jesus. Most of the questions stem from falls of Church leaders and how I can still believe with all that is going on. I live in a very conservative area and many of the small, relational churches are closing because people are attracted to the show places. There is nothing that is wrong with the style that these churches are using, it is more about the mission they are pursuing. The ones that I talk to do not want to be deaf when they leave church from live music, and seeing stars from all the flashing lights. What I am pursuing, and what seems to be desired but some, is a more relationship based experience. No leader, no program, just honest sharing and discovering what the Bible really says and how to apply it to their lives.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    04/21/2024 at 12:32

    I serve as an educational leader in a missionary school in Southeast Asia. There are many levels of our ministry including support for missionary teachers and their families, Christian community for local missionaries from many different countries, backgrounds, and denominations as well as a spiritual community for their children who attend our school, and to provide an English education (that happens to be Christian) to a large portion of Buddhist students. A large portion of our population is transitory, so we have a revolving door of leaders, teachers, mentors, students, and families. It is safe to say that the concerns and issues in our ministry are diverse and ever-changing. I would say that one of the most important issues we must address is being authentic. Showing love for all, and living out our faith in a way that is not pushy or judgemental, but makes others feel welcome and, especially in the case of our Buddhist students and their families, draws them toward Christ, are essential parts of our ministry. Working with youth, especially ones who constantly move from place to place and have many ‘goodbyes’ makes it difficult to form authentic relationships because it is easy to build walls as defenses against loss. It is all the more important for our leaders to present themselves as humble servants and be authentic so that we can encourage others to lower those defenses so that we can form meaningful relationships. Additionally, working with young people, it is our job to empower them to become the young men and women that God is calling them to be. We must help them see themselves through His eyes, and we must help them discover their place in His Kingdom.

    A book that I highly recommend for ministry leaders is “The Emotionally Healthy Leader: How Transforming Your Inner Life Will Deeply Transform Your Church, Team, and the World” by Peter Scazzero

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    04/13/2024 at 14:21

    Most people in the church today says that the church lacks substance. If you were to ask a pastor, deacon, or minister a very well-known biblical question, “Why do people attend church?” In many churches you would be accursed of harassment and asked to leave. This is the same with other doctrine questions and concerns. Interested church attendees are attending church today because they want to attend not because God requires us to meet His demands for repentance, redemption, and salvation. The world is vastly changing, and modern technology today appears to be the God of the world. Everyone is running around trying to pay Apple Inc. and Samsung Technologies thousands of dollars annually for communication services and devices. More people are investing is brand new forms of transportation instead of investing wisely in used automobiles. After the 2006 – 2008 real estate market crash many should have learned to stay away from over investing in condo, resident mortgages, and commercial properties, but the opposite today stands true. Most of us are plagued with the need to feel relevant, superior, and powerful behind all of the bling and glamor associated with New Age Technology.

    The church needs to revisit the original vision of the Christian church. What does church mean? Why was church instituted? And, why we must attend and why should the elders of the church care? Most churches do not commune with communities nor any other outside affiliates, they are only concerned with the ones who made it in “today.” Yes, Christian faith should reflect on the need of community residents and not some drawn out agenda proposed by the pastors.

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