Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Which of Dr. MacCullough’s guiding questions discussed in this lesson stood out to you and why?


  • Which of Dr. MacCullough’s guiding questions discussed in this lesson stood out to you and why?

    Deleted User replied 4 months ago 79 Members · 80 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/01/2021 at 13:37

    I think question number six-How do we know what is right and wrong? stood out the most to me because of the answer that the lecturer got from the student about traditional marriage. When the lecturer commented, “that is totally different than what the Bible says”, and the student answered that they didn’t care what the Bible says. Wow! I want to make sure that my students do not have that view at all.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/22/2021 at 16:40

    The question that stuck out to me is how do we know what is right and wrong. Students tend to have a very black and white view when it comes to rules and rule breaking. However, there are certain areas now where many students want to put a sin in the gray area. I think asking students who

    • Deleted User

      Deleted User
      06/22/2021 at 16:42

      or what makes something right or wrong is very important. It helps them realize how foolish it is to let everyone decided what is and isn’t okay. It will bring about chaos and immorality.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/22/2021 at 14:36

    All of them did in all actuality. The fact the society in general has moved so far away from God makes me see how those questions weren’t having a Christian, Biblical answer. We need to make sure what we are teaching is entrenched in the Word.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/18/2021 at 13:40

    What life commitments are consistent with your beliefs. I think it is easy to compartmentalize life, and get stuck being busy. We can be too busy sometimes to ask, “Why am I doing this?”. This question forces you to ask, “Is what I am doing daily moving me toward my goals?” or “What are my goals?….Why?” We have to have something to aim at before we can start shooting arrows. This makes us connect our beliefs and values to our methods and habits.

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