Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum How would you prioritize the three reasons given in this lesson for studying the Bible for yourself: “It is essential to knowing and loving God;” “It is essential for growing up in God;” and “It is essential to serving God”? What is the basis for how you prioritize them? Are any of the three reasons more or less important for you than the others? Do you have other reasons than these?


  • How would you prioritize the three reasons given in this lesson for studying the Bible for yourself: “It is essential to knowing and loving God;” “It is essential for growing up in God;” and “It is essential to serving God”? What is the basis for how you prioritize them? Are any of the three reasons more or less important for you than the others? Do you have other reasons than these?

    Deleted User replied 3 months, 4 weeks ago 94 Members · 94 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/15/2022 at 19:37

    I would put them in the order listed. Of first importance when “growing up in God” and “serving God” is intimacy with God in which we “know and love” God. So I would say we first need to know and love God through studying His Word.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/15/2022 at 16:02

    I would prioritize the three reasons for studying the Bible for myself will be 1. It is essential to Growing up in God. 2. It is essential to Knowing and loving God. 3. It is essential to Serving God.
    I think that they are each important and does not matter which order they may come, but my basis for prioritizing them in that order is because for me it will be essential to grow up in God because as (a new Christian) I will be like what First Peter 2:2 teaches “like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it I may grow up in Salvation.” then it can be essential for me to know and love God as I grow in maturity towards a committed relationship with him as I live my life. Then it will become essential for me to serve God better by applying his truth and commands that he has demonstrated in scriptures to my daily life.

    I do not think that any one of the three reasons is more or less important than the other, they are all valuable in our walk.

    The only other reason I have is common to all the others: It is essential to knowing how to studying God’s words, applying it our lives in order to grow an intimate relationship with him.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/15/2022 at 13:32

    Growing up in God is first knowing and loving God is second and serving God. Study Scripture and live the Word and you will know how to love and know what God requires from you and then serve Him with a right Spirit.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    01/31/2022 at 19:35

    How would you prioritize the three reasons given in this lesson for studying the Bible for yourself: “It is essential to knowing and loving God;” “It is essential for growing up in God;” and “It is essential to serving God”?
    I believe these priorities for studying the Bible are in the proper order. Knowing and loving God is the foundation for the Christian faith. We can’t grow up in God or serve Him (with the proper motivation) without knowing and loving him first.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    01/30/2022 at 14:09

    I would prioritize them exactly as they are listed here: essential to knowing and loving God, essential for growing up in God, and essential to serving God. You have to know God first before you can do the other two. You have to continue to grow and mature as a Christian, so that you can have the knowledge of God’s Word and are fully equipped to serve God.

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