Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Why do you think Jesus indicated that we shouldn’t “broadcast” when we are fasting to others?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/22/2023 at 19:31

    Because fasting is an intimate act between the person and God, not something to be broadcast for everyone else around. When you bring attention to others, you get their attention and appreciation, but move away from God’s blessing.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/19/2023 at 00:07

    Is not to draw attention to ourselves it is for closer deeper relationship with the Heavenly Father.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/17/2023 at 13:14

    Our fasting is not intended for others to give us attention; our fasting should be to focus on God.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/10/2023 at 11:38

    Fasting should be something personal between you and God – it is meant to enhance your relationship and understanding of His power and will, drawing you nearer to Him. It shouldn’t be done to receive glorification or admiration of others.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/09/2023 at 09:58

    Similar to Jesus’ instructions on how to pray, making it obvious that we are fasting takes the focus away from the true purpose of prayer and fasting. The act becomes about us and what people think of us, rather than its true purpose of helping us to humbly communicate with God.

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