Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Why do you think people often struggle with a feeling of helplessness after the loss of a relationship?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/19/2022 at 20:37

    I think people often struggle with a feeling of helplessness after the loss of a relationship is because, it feels like they will never see the person again or they feel like they have lost their only support system.
    My daughter lived with me for a year. I felt so helpless when she lived with me because of a manipulative personality.
    I ended up asking her to leave to find a job. I felt helpless until she found a job.. three weeks later. I think we feel helpless when we realize that we have no control over the situation, but trying to trust God to work things out.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/17/2022 at 11:36

    The lost and pain are real. We can be trapped in our own feeling of shame and thinking that we have failed our Christian walks. In fact, having the courage to share and finding that person whom one can trust is not a given.

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