Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Why does Dr. Groothuis use the “cumulative case” as his apologetic method for Christianity?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/30/2022 at 18:00

    The “cumulative case” involves several truths which build on each other and work together to defend Christianity. For example, we cannot just begin with talking about Jesus. If people have false understanding of Who God is and why/how He created the world, how can we expect them to develop faith in Christ? Dr. Groothuis lists these claims as vital to faith in Christ: 1) the origin of the world, 2) the nature of the world, 3) history, 4) the human condition, 5) Jesus. These claims must be stated in a cumulative manner so as to reach the ultimate goal of leading people to faith in Christ.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/14/2022 at 10:10

    Only Christianity has so much evidence to support the claims of Christ. Only Christ has an empty tomb. Only Christ can claim He is divine in nature.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/01/2022 at 20:42

    Because, Dr. Groothuis sees Christianity from three different aspects that build up a strong evidence of Christianity when they are shown.

    The intimate relationship with God, the Bible, the faith and the hope
    The evidence that supports Christianity historical truth, and miracles.
    The evidence of a change in the life of the people who accepts Jesus as his savior making it real and meaningful.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/04/2022 at 01:48

    It is natural for humans to have doubts; we see this with Thomas and the man who asked Christ to help his unbelief. The cumulative case method does not simply look at one and ignore the other; instead, it looks at the physical evidence found in science as well as historically–it is comprehensive with various facts from both.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/15/2022 at 21:41

    Dr. Groothuis uses the “cumulative case” method because is a reasonable way to prove that Christianity is true and make more sense than any other religion or philosophy. We as Christians can demonstrate that we don’t have to deny anything deeply human about ourselves to follow Christ and to have a biblical worldview.

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