Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Why is dependence on God in prayer so important?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    11/07/2023 at 15:55

    We have to trust Him completely, knowing who He is and not doubting if we want our prayer answered. It is part of the relationship. He will give us the best for our life for our undivided trust in Him. God is sovereign and that is for every aspect of our lives.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/30/2023 at 05:59

    We cannot be transformed by God into Christlikeness unless we know Him. Prayer is more than a one-way channel, but rather a two-way conversation with the Creator of the universe. When we converse with Him in prayer, he speaks into us.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/16/2023 at 16:27

    We need to let go of our ways. We need to turn our lives over to Him, in everything. I have a harder time with life when I try to do things my way, but I still try. I need to give it to God first, and then leave it there!

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/04/2023 at 11:39

    If you don’t have dependence, there would not be a need to pray. We should be trusting that God is hearing our prayers, like He tells us in his word, and he will respond according to his will. The Bible tells us to be like children when we approach God, coming to him in need and knowing we are fully depending on him.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    09/25/2023 at 08:05

    God is all I have. I must turn things over to him.

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