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Tagged: CE201-04
Why is it important to teach Scripture to children?
Deleted User replied 4 months, 3 weeks ago 163 Members · 164 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User07/07/2021 at 12:52Scripture is the center of the doctrine that as believers we accept. It is good to use graciously in speaking truth for reproof and correction. Finally, it should be used to instruct in righteousness, the right acts of a believer.
Deleted User
Deleted User07/07/2021 at 08:00Scripture is our foundation. As 2 Tim 3:16 says, “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” To use anything apart from this foundation is to set our feet and others on “sinking sand”.
David writes in Psalm 119:11, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Including scripture memory will help us all to recall God’s truths when we need it and obey Him.
Deleted User
Deleted User06/28/2021 at 23:40It is important to teach the Scripture to children so that they learn about the truth of life. It also teaches them all the lessons of life and that there are answers to their questions and problems. Scripture teaches them about God and how important He is in all of their decisions in life.
Deleted User
Deleted User06/28/2021 at 12:07Proverbs 22:6 reminds us to consider the result of training children in the way they should go: when they are old, they won’t turn from it. While the diversity we see in culture over the course of history shows us there are many ways to live, we as believers in Christ recognize the Truth of God’s word and the truths present in Scripture will not change or fade over time. The value of biblical training transcends all places and times. We must be careful to use and teach Scripture as the living and active Word of God and highlight the way to deep and abiding relationship with Him as seen through the work of God through the course of human history and not merely the defense for our own opinions. Without a solid foundation for moral truth, our children are left without guidance or reason for the hope we profess.
Deleted User
Deleted User06/25/2021 at 20:35I believe it is important to teach Scripture to children to help them OVERCOME the false philosophies that fill our world. Bank tellers don’t learn how to recognize counterfeit money. Instead, they learn all about REAL money. They know it so well, that when a counterfeit is presented to them they recognize it as so. And therefore, don’t receive the “fake”.
If as educators, we incorporate all of scripture…beyond the cute memory verses… but truly teach scripture verses in the entirety of their meaning, then they will take root in the heart of our students. Thus giving them foundational truths that they will need to walk out their faith in times of trouble.