Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Why is what you believe about creation important to your role as a Christian educator?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/30/2024 at 22:42

    What we believe is fundamental to emparting the truth found in Scripture. Our personal beliefs enable us to connect with, and align to, the Bible in all aspects of Christian Education. If our own beliefs did not align with Scripture, a risk is created in further confusing the studenmts and potentially diluting the truth of Scripture in the students’ minds leading them to simply embrace (and be captured by) what the world offers.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/25/2024 at 20:18

    It is important because creation is the foundation for everything you teach.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/20/2024 at 16:29

    If you don’t believe what the Bible says about creation, then where would the line stop for what you believe and don’t believe in the Bible. Creation is the beginning of all things and it lays the foundation for our faith.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/19/2024 at 13:48

    The creation is the foundation that starts the Bible. Without it, it is hard to say what you believe. If the creation story is not believed, it sets the rest of the biblical worldview up to crumble. Knowing that God created the entire world as we know it establishes us to look at the world in an entirely new way that changes how we approach life, science, education, and our entire worldview.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/18/2024 at 17:59

    As a Christian, the creation story found in Genesis chapter one is the beginning of our biblical worldview and answers the big questions we can ask such as how did we get here? Who made us? Who designed nature and our living world? How did sin enter the world? Without believing that God created the heavens and the earth and mankind, we cannot say that we are Christ’s followers.

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