Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Why was the book of Lamentations given that title? In what way does this express a realistic view of life?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    11/29/2022 at 17:20

    The of Lamentations is a book about loss -loss of freedom, loss of homes, and, ultimately, the loss of dreams. Jeremiah shares his grief as he sees the destruction of Jerusalem and his people being taken away into captivity. He “laments” or cries out over the losses of the Israelites. It is a realistic view of life because every single one of us will face losses. It shows that grief is an appropriate response to loss. Crying out or even wailing is okay, especially when we cry out to God.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    11/18/2022 at 15:53

    The prophet is lamenting over the state of Jerusalem and the peoples’ disobedience of God. Today we watch the destruction in the world caused by sin. God is a righteous judge and his word says that we will reap what we sow.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    11/18/2022 at 15:51

    The prophet was lamenting over the state of Jerusalem and the people’s disobedience of God. Today we recognize that we see the destruction of the world due to our disobedience. There are consequences to sin. God is a righteous judge and the word says we will reap what we sow.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/24/2022 at 23:59

    Lamentations is the book that describe the way Jeremiah felt about what was happening to Judea and how the people didn’t obey the law of God and live as He wanted them to. Jeremiah sees what is happening to his country and can’t do anything about it is the same as the Ukrainian’s see the things that is happening in their country. The war crimes children witnessing their patients and grandparents and other family members and neighbors and friends raped, murdered, abused and being abused themselves by a country that is trying to save face because of the unjust war which they are not winning.
    They are trying to dishearten the people but so far it’s not working. They are destroying the infrastructure , commerce and a way of life. That’s what Jeremiah saw during the destruction of Jerusalem the Temple and the government all those centuries ago.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/23/2022 at 01:02

    It is expression when Jerusalem was in destruction after invasion by enemies, Jeremiah was expressing over the grief of Israel for their rebellion and sinful pattern caused them to forget God. Today, technologies have impact a lot of people like internet, apps in smartphone offers different way to make useful in smartphone, video gaming provide more membership choices to allow players to get best out of it, it is hooking those people into online even social media are using different kind of tracking to toss different kind of advertising to keep people glued and their mind was turned into zombies. It is how sadness when people truly forget the importance of investment in relationship with God lead to beautiful relationship with people.

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