Foundations of Correctional Chaplaincy

This course covers the history of correctional chaplaincy, the skills and abilities necessary, and the mandates governing religious services in institutions.


This course provides an overview of correctional chaplaincy as it functions in jails and prisons. The course will examine the history of correctional chaplaincy, the special skills and abilities the professional chaplain must possess, the critical dimensions of the multiple roles a chaplain assumes, and the constitutional mandates that govern the delivery of religious services in an institutional setting. Special focus will be placed on the chaplains as “agent of change,” the “ministry of presence”, on effective volunteer management, and the development of individualized ministry plans.

  1. Comprehend the rich tradition of correctional chaplaincy in America.
  2. Identify three critical dimensions of institutional chaplaincy.
  3. Explain the religious rights of the incarcerated and how to determine accommodations.
  4. Identify the multiple ways that effective chaplaincy positively impacts inmates, correctional staff, and the institutional environment.
  5. Compare the strengths and skill-sets of effective chaplains and compare those with your own personal giftings.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to build a ministry plan that corresponds to specific institutional settings and its inmate demographic.
  7. Develop strategies for creating meaningful ministry partnerships with local church leaders and laypersons.
  8. Develop a chaplaincy manual specific to your institution.
  • I appreciated that this course related to jail ministry as well as full-time paid prison ministry like so many other programs.

    — Lonnie, United States
  • Excellent!

    — William, United States
  • Stimulating and thought provoking. Has lots of information and insights that one can glen from.

    — Anyawa, Canada
  • Great material- very practical.

    — Ray, United States
  • The lectures were very informative and applicable.

    — Rhonda, United States
  • Outstanding and practical information to use in correctional ministry, whether as a chaplain or helping a chaplain.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • This course has been a real blessing to me.

    — John, United States
  • [I liked] the challenge it presented to become more involved in the administrative aspects of chaplaincy, including evaluations of self and volunteers.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • I have really enjoyed the courses. They are substantial. The reading is interesting. The courses are challenging but still enjoyable.

    — Marcia, United States
  • God has worked in my own spiritual life and I have grown so much in my walk with Him through doing these courses. I have learned about how to more effectively care and listen to the men I minister to in prisons. I was impressed with how important it is to have your own life in order first before you can empathically reach out to others. Doing these courses have better equipped me in looking at the mission field we have in our institutions all over the world.

    — Steven, United States

Course Content

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Lesson Fourteen
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Lesson Twenty
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Lesson Twenty-Four
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Course Wrap-Up
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Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 24 Lessons
  • 30 Min Average
  • Course Award

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Karen Swanson, EdD


Wendy Martin, PhD