Proverbs-Psalms: Singing the Sounds of Real Life

The course will explore the distilled language of Israeli poets as they sang the songs of their lives. They are remarkable in that they are common to many people today.


Times change and life’s issues take new forms. Solomon never sat in a traffic jam on the freeway and we never fret over an attack by the Philistines, but human emotions remain the same. In this course, Proverbs-Psalms: Singing the Sounds of Real Life, students will study the distilled language of Israel’s poets as they sang the songs of their lives. They are, amazingly, like the songs of people’s lives today.


Group Exercises
  1. To introduce students to survey information of the Old Testament.
  2. To help develop critical and practical aptitudes in understanding the Bible.
  3. To provide scholarly information that will help students better understand the historical and biblical context of the Old Testament.
  • Very informative

    — Esosa, United States
  • The course was very informative and helpful in teaching me how to better understand and appreciate Proverbs and the Psalms.

    — Cindy, Canada
  • Truly a great eye-opener regarding Proverbs, Psalms, and studying the Old Testament. Thank you.

    — Johann, United States
  • The lecture for Lesson 3 was a lot to comprehend in one sitting.

    — Charlene, United States
  • Some of it was review, and it is good to review important details of Scripture and proper methods of study - easy to get sloppy with that. I appreciated some of the dissection of Proverbs.

    — Matthew, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • It was good.

    — Brandon, United States
  • The course provided me with more systematic understanding on the books of Psalms and Proverbs. The contents are academic as well as devotional. It has also given me a much clearer perspective as I read those scriptures. Thank you very much!

    — Mizuho, Japan
  • I did enjoy this course and it helped me to understand the Bible in ways I did not think of. Thank you.

    — Andrea, United States
  • Thank you for this very informative study, I am enjoying these courses tremendously.

    — Toni, United States
  • Great courses and they are very informative. I love these courses and will be taking more courses in the future.

    — Michael, United States
  • Great source for more in-depth learning of how to understand the Bible.

    — Julie, United States
  • The last part after Psalms was very detailed but interesting.

    — Donna, United States
  • Good course.

    — Donald, United States
  • I really enjoyed this course! The information was concise and interesting!

    — Heidi, United States
  • I liked the course...there was a lot to learn in the third lesson.

    — Marilyn, United States
  • Another excellent course

    — Diana, United States
  • This was a very interesting course.

    — Felicia, United States
  • The course had really challenged my knowledge of the Bible.

    — Josephine, United States
  • Wow! Lots of info in this course. The quizzes were simple but to the point and evaluating pertinent information that will be helpful to remember going forward.

    — Dorothy, United States

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Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 3 Lessons
  • 27 Min Average
  • Course Award

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Douglas K. Stuart, PhD