The Prophecy of Habakkuk

This course provides students with a glimpse into God's responses to sin, as well as a sense of God's sovereignty in history.


How does one place absolute trust in God in the midst of uncertainty? The book of Habakkuk details the doubts and questions raised by Habakkuk, a man of God searching for answers. Set during a time of Israelite rebellion, Habakkuk was perplexed by the events that surrounded him. In this course, Longenecker takes students through God’s responses as listeners learn about the seriousness of sin and God’s sovereignty in history. The book of Habakkuk shows that believers can place ultimate faith in God even when they don’t fully understand the circumstances of their lives.

Legacy Collection
Discover the vintage value and relevance of these classic courses. Our instructors provide new insights into your faith through a variety of subjects. We acquired many of these courses from the Institute of Theological Studies (ITS). From ITS’s world-class professors, you'll gain seminary-level instruction.


Study Guide
  1. Grasp the message of the book of Habakkuk.
  2. Be convicted of the seriousness of sin and its offense against God.
  3. Embrace the role doubt can play in one’s spiritual development.
  4. Recognize God’s love and faithfulness in dark times.
  5. Understand the book’s relevance for today.
  6. Apply the book’s message to life and ministry.
  • The knowledge I got from this study is serving as a drive to enroll in more ODBU courses.

    — Mela, Nigeria
  • The book of Habakkkuk has never been explained to me before. It is a book of intrigue.

    — Jon, Canada
  • Thank you for providing a great course!

    — Staci, United States
  • Good content.

    — Mary, United States

Course Content

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Lesson Eight
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Lesson Twelve
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Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 12 Lessons
  • 27 Min Average
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Outlines

Harold L. Longenecker, DD (1926-2014)

Course Provider


Course content is provided courtesy of Institute of Theological Studies (ITS).