Apologetics – Our Daily Bread University

All Creation Sings

During his many years of missionary work in India, Dr. Paul Brand developed a great appreciation for the natural world and its magnificent Creator. In…

Celebrating the Wonder of Creation

Rediscover the wonder of God in creation, as educator and naturalist Dean Ohlman takes a look at God and man’s relationship to creation. Gain a…

Deal with It!

Conflict in the church? What? How can Christians not get along? Easy – we’re humans. In his letter to the church in Philippi, the apostle…

The Impact of the Resurrection

The historical and theological impact of Christ’s resurrection are extremely important, but is there more? This week, as we reflect on our celebrations of resurrection…

Ten Reasons to Believe in the Bible

We are surrounded by claims of religious authority—sacred books, spiritual leaders, and ceremonial activities abound. Yet in the midst of that, the Bible claims to…