Exodus – Our Daily Bread University

The Book of Exodus – Part 2

In Exodus, the Israelites come to Mt. Sinai, where God invites them into a covenant relationship. He wants to make them his representatives to all…

The Book of Exodus – Part 1

The first part of Exodus recounts how Abraham’s family ends up enslaved in Egypt. God raises up a deliverer to confront the evil of Pharaoh…

Routes of the Exodus

Now that we’re deep in the story of the Exodus, let’s pull back and review some key sites on an interactive map—and look ahead to…

Eating Bread in the Desert

Messianic expectations were high for Jews especially around the annual celebration of Passover. Let’s visit the region where Jesus fed 5,000 and see how Mark…

The King’s Highway

The major road heading north among the Transjordanian tribes was called the King’s Highway. This ancient road led all the way from the Red Sea…

Water from the Rock

Although God provided manna every day, His people still faced desperate thirst in the wilderness. What kind of lesson might God have been teaching Israel—and…