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Give, Save, and Spend - Financial Discipleship Study

  1. Lesson One
    Starting Well
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  2. Lesson Two
    Counsel, Debt and Saving
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  3. Lesson Three
    Generosity and Investing
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  4. Lesson Four
    Work and Honesty
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  5. Lesson Five
    Crisis and Eternity
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  6. Lesson Six
    Finishing Well
    7 Activities
  7. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    2 Activities
    1 Assessment
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
Memory Verse

His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master’” (Matthew 25:21, BLB).

Matthew 25:21

Open in Prayer

Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you begin reading passages of Scripture. Ask for clarity and insight as you engage in God’s Word.

Scripture Reading

  • Read Matthew 28:16-20
Apply Your Learning

Lesson Projects

Projects are designed to help you apply the information you learn in a lesson. Some courses consist of one project per lesson, while others might have one project for the entire course. Projects are provided in PDF format, which you can download, fill out, and either print out and store or save as a digital document for future reference.

Access your Lesson Project (pdf).


In this exercise you have the opportunity to draft a plan to help you on your Finishing Well journey by completing the Spiritual Goals Worksheet. Here are a couple thoughts to help you get started.

Do not draw up a plan that is too ambitious to implement immediately.
Select a person who will hold you accountable to apply these practices faithfully.

Download the Spiritual Goals Worksheet (PDF)

Essential Resources

Compass Commentary

With all of the wonderful blessings that God has given to us, do we have any responsibilities? How can we possibly repay Christ for what He has done for us? In summary, we can’t repay Jesus for His ultimate sacrifice on our behalf. But we can express our love for Him by sharing this with others. So, yes, we do have a responsibility, and its called discipleship. Just as Jesus invited His disciples to follow Him, spent time with them, taught them about His love for the world, and wanted the world to experience His love, we have a similar opportunity and responsibility. We may never have the chance to travel the world like some of the great Christian teachers of our day, but we can talk about Jesus within our own homes and neighborhoods. Once someone accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior, their journey is just beginning. They need to learn about God, be introduced to the Bible to read and study, and figure out how they can begin to live out and apply God’s truths to their own lives. The “figuring out” part, is very difficult to do on your own, so its beneficial to have someone who has been on this journey before, to walk with you. The role of the disciple-maker is not to be a picture of perfection, but to be real and authentic, acknowledging that life has its temptations and struggles, but that living a life with Christ as the focal point, is fulfilling, joyful, and rewarding. Each of us need to be held accountable to live a Christ-centered life, and taking this journey with another like-minded person, will help keep us on the path that Jesus has planned out for us. We all can be disciples who make disciples who make disciples. This is what Jesus began over 2,000 years ago.