Leadership Lessons from the Kings

In this course, you will explore forty lessons learned from the kings of Judah, lessons that will prove invaluable for leaders today in all walks of life.


The ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah experienced the leadership of many kings—some were good, though most were evil. Is there anything we can learn from the successes and failures of these ancient kings? It turns out, there’s a lot! In this course, you will explore forty lessons learned from the kings of Judah (and a few from Israel)—lessons that will prove invaluable for leaders today in various capacities and from all walks of life.

  1. Discuss forty lessons learned from the kings of Israel and Judah.
  2. Gain a basic understanding of the reigns of several of Judah’s and Israel’s kings.
  3. Apply these lessons to your leadership position(s) today.
  • This is an excellent course full of practical information to be used in developing leadership. It is well presented and easy to apply to my life and leadership journey.

    — Helen, United States
  • The instructor was an excellent presenter. I like that the lectures were brief and to the point although they were detailed. I would like more courses like this form this instructor. They were well thought out and very well scripted. Thank you so much. There should be more courses like these.

    — Darlene, United States
  • I found the course very informative. Dr. Mathews presented the material in a format that made it understandable. The course opened my eyes to what leadership should look like using examples of the kings in the Bible.

    — Martha, United States
  • Very enjoyable presenter. Enthusiastic and personable. I learned some things I will apply in my classroom as well.

    — Deleana, United States
  • Very interesting. Gave a new perspective on the Kings.

    — Terri, United States
  • The lecturer was very amazing. I have been very much equipped through every stage he took us.  

    — Farai, South Africa
  • Enjoyed the writing style of the lectures. Very personable, like he is talking directly to me.

    — Rebecca, United States
  • Very relevant and practical, the leaders skills can be applied in different environments including at family level.  

    — Susan media, Zimbabwe
  • Thank you, Bishop Mathews. God bless you!

    — Onyedinma johnson, Oman
  • Great course!

    — Tara, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • The instructor was knowledgeable yet very personable making the content relevant to current culture. I enjoyed the course.

    — Shelley, United States
  • I have been thoroughly enlightened by these lessons and will apply the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding I have received from them in my position as an Elder in the Body of Christ.

    — Windy, United States
  • Amazing, great content and the Bishop was an amazing instructor.

    — Porsha, United States
  • I'm so thankful for this course. I have learned so much. The professor is an awesome teacher. I'm trying to lead my grandson to take this course. He is eleven years old and I think he will be a good leader. Thank you and God Bless!

    — Laurie, United States
  • I love the pastor's heart. I like the order he gives for leaders and the simple lessons he draws from them. He does not pronounce names correctly, writing assignments are not engaging, and quizzes are too simple.

    — Wesley, United States
  • Bishop Mathew is am amazing presenter. The curriculum and approach were spot on. Hope the rest of the courses I take are as good as this one!!

    — Gary, United States
  • Excellent work, Bishop Mathews! :-)

    — Walter, United States
  • Excellent!

    — Rafeal, United States
  • Thank God for leading me to the website!

    — Tommy, United States
  • Excellent start on learning leadership, I wish I could learn earlier. Thank you so much.

    — Josepha, Indonesia
  • I want to personally thank Bishop Mathew for being a wonderful teacher and lecture the lesson has motivated me to become a leader who follow and seek God for directions. I want to put in practice what I've learn, starting within my own household. Thank You.

    — Donald, United States
  • The course was very interesting and educational. The instructor kept my attention and did an outstanding job at teaching.

    — Barry, United States
  • I really liked the structure of how this course was developed. Forty leadership principles from the Kings of Judah was a very interesting way of putting together a leadership course. I also liked the course materials and can refer to them when needed. Overall, the course was well worth my time and I gleaned a number of things from it. I also enjoyed Bishop Matthews' presentation style and would watch him again. Overall, a worthwhile course and I received a lot of benefit. Thanks!!

    — Donald, United States
  • I really enjoyed this course because I think it changed my walk with God as a whole. I had my eyes and heart opened in ways I was not aware of. I loved this course and have definitely experience the fruits of my labor from learning this material. Thank you.

    — Raeann, United States
  • I love the videos with the written text below. Easy to follow and understand.

    — Mary, United States
  • The course was interesting and informative. Bishop was very knowledgeable in the material and I enjoyed his use of humor to get the point across. I hope to have another course with him as leader.

    — Penny, United States
  • I really learned a lot from this course. I loved how we can see from the Kings of the Bible how we are or are not to be like. the instructor of this course so far on my journey has been the most informative and I learned a lot. Thank you for the time you put into this course.

    — Russell, United States
  • This course is amazing. I benefited a lot from it.

    — Yingkun, United States
  • The course was very informative. Bishop Mathews brought out a lot of good points that a leader should and should not follow. Of course Jesus Christ is our great example to follow. I really enjoyed the course and the questions.

    — Esther, United States
  • — Yewande, United States
  • I really enjoyed every bit of this course. [It] finally set me on my journey to know and understand the Word of God. I now understand the texts tackled in this course.

    — Naomi, United States
  • I really enjoyed the course, Bishop Vincent Mathews did an excellent job. Thank you!

    — Clinton, United States
  • I enjoyed the course very much. Bishop Vincent Mathews did a great job of teaching the topics and keeping the course interesting.

    — Morgan, United States
  • Very good course. I learned a lot of different aspects that I hadn't thought through before.

    — Ken, United States
  • The course was very helpful in putting God’s word and leadership skills together. Thank you.

    — Veronica, United States
  • It is absolutely true, many, many people have unforgiveness in their hearts towards others and themselves and they suffer thru-out their lifetime b/c of it. This is a great course to bring unforgiveness up as God has asked us to do and to help people forgive everyone and everything and then they an be released from great bondages and live a better, happier free life thru Jesus Christ. And not be sick any longer.

    — Regina, United States

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Lesson Six
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Lesson Seven
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Lesson Eight
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Lesson Nine
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Lesson Ten
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Course Wrap-Up
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Course Details

  • Low Effort
  • 10 Lessons
  • 15 Min Average
  • Course Award

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Bishop Vincent Mathews, Jr., ThD