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Teaching of Jesus

  1. Lesson One
    Kingdom of God (Matthew 5–7, Luke 6–7)
    15 Activities
  2. Lesson Two
    Discipleship (Matthew 10, 16, Mark 10)
    16 Activities
    2 Assessments
  3. Lesson Three
    Prophetic Critique (Jeremiah 7, Matthew 11, 23, Mark 14–16)
    14 Activities
    1 Assessment
  4. Lesson Four
    Introduction to Parables (Luke 14–16, 18–19)
    21 Activities
    2 Assessments
  5. Lesson Five
    Themes of Parables (Matthew 13, 18, 20–22, 24)
    18 Activities
    1 Assessment
  6. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Jesus came to love and care for people, and eventually to die for us. But His message was more than “love your neighbor.” It had a “bite” to it, especially when He addressed religious leaders. I’m sure you’ve heard about Pharisees and Sadducees and probably have a stereotype in your mind of the kind of hypocrites Jesus often faced.

But as we go into this lesson, remember that the religious leaders of Jesus’ day were not unlike those in our own churches. They were promoting godly living and believed they were the voice of God in a society often compromising with pagan values. So, let’s see if we can be realistic about the message of judgment, even if it hits close to home.