The Letter to the Hebrews

This course helps students understand the book’s message while challenging today’s “great cloud of witnesses” to have faith in a sovereign and loving God.


From the earliest days of the church, believers have wrestled with the relationship between the old and new covenants. Humanity’s inability to fulfill the Law clearly showed the need for forgiveness, and God’s elaborate sacrificial system demonstrated sin’s consequences. Yet how were Jewish believers to view Jesus? What were the implications of the Messiah being the Great High Priest? In this course, students wrestle with these and other theological questions as they probe Christ’s death and resurrection. Buswell helps learners understand the book’s message while challenging today’s “great cloud of witnesses” to have complete faith in a sovereign and loving God.

  1. Grasp the message of the letter to the Hebrews.
  2. Understand the theological implications of the book.
  3. Articulate the christological and soteriological truths about the incarnation.
  4. Express the importance of having complete faith and trust in Christ, the Great High Priest.
  5. Apply the book’s message to life and ministry.
  6. Recognize God’s amazing love in sending His Son as the perfect atonement.
  • I chose this course because I used to find Hebrews somewhat difficult to understand, and the Professor explained it very well.

    — Jaideep, India
  • I would like to see this set of lectures actually used in a church Bible Study course. The lecturer gives more explanation than I have heard in the past for this book.

    — Diana, United States
  • I very much appreciate the passion of the lecturer. I thoroughly enjoyed his delivery as well of course the content of the lecture. The teacher was very engaging and encouraging. This was more than just a theological series on precepts found in Hebrews. I felt like I was learning from a passionate person with the heart of a true pastor. I am very grateful.

    — Pamela, United States

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Lesson Seventeen
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Lesson Twenty-One
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Lesson Twenty-Four
Course Wrap-Up
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Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 24 Lessons
  • 27 Min Average
  • Course Award

Course Resources


J. Oliver Buswell Jr., PhD, DD (1895-1977)

Course Provider


Course content is provided courtesy of Institute of Theological Studies (ITS).