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Kings and Chronicles, Part 1: The Demise of Kingship

  1. Lesson One
    Rise and Reign of Solomon (1 Kings 1-8)
    20 Activities
    1 Assessment
  2. Lesson Two
    Solomon’s Fall (1 Kings 9-11)
    13 Activities
    2 Assessments
  3. Lesson Three
    Overview of 1 and 2 Kings (1 Kings 12–16, 2 Kings 9–17)
    33 Activities
    1 Assessment
  4. Lesson Four
    The Prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17 – 2 Kings 1)
    26 Activities
    2 Assessments
  5. Lesson Five
    The Prophet Elisha (2 Kings 2–9)
    17 Activities
  6. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

There’s no doubt that prophets in the Bible preached words of judgment. We certainly saw that with Elijah. But was that all they preached? Was that all they did? In this lesson we’ll watch Elijah’s successor engage in prophetic ministry in ways that may surprise you. And it may also surprise you how God used other people in their lives to touch their hearts. 

This is an important lesson for those of us called into ministry—in other words, all of us.