Old Testament Theology II: Latter Prophets and Writings

To understand the meaning and message of Jesus' teaching and the mission of the church today, we must study the history, poetry, wisdom, and prophecy of these books.


In order to understand and apply any passage of Scripture faithfully, one must begin with the foundational concepts and theology that precede and inform it. In biblical theology, the foundation is developed in the Latter Prophets and Writings (Job–Malachi). The history, poetry, wisdom, and prophecy of these books are essential for fully grasping the meaning and message of Jesus’ teaching and the mission of the church today. Averbeck introduces the content and theology of the Writings and Latter Prophets, working through the books section-by-section, focusing on major passages and their theological connections throughout all of Scripture.

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Study Guide
  1. Understand how the Latter Prophets and Writings ft into the Old Testament canon and how they contribute to our understanding of faith experience in ancient Israel.
  2. Identify the principles and patterns of biblical Hebrew poetry in order to be able to interpret it well.
  3. Articulate the nature and principles of biblical worship as illustrated in the Psalms and understand the relevance of this teaching for Christian worship today.
  4. Explain how the prophetic institution and the prophetic books lay a foundation for the prophetic work of Jesus Christ.
  5. Discuss how Old Testament prophecy and the work of Christ combine to define and drive the mission of the church.
  6. Describe the relationship between the Holy Spirit’s work in the Old and New Testaments.
  7. Understand the teachings of the Latter Prophets and Writings as crucial to an ongoing study of the whole canon of Scripture.
  8. Apply the truths and principles found in the Old Testament to Christian life and ministry.
  • Not as easy as I thought it would be, but I'm truly blessed that O.D.B. would provide such a wonderful educational opportunity. May God bless you all.

    — Robert, United States
  • One of the best course of studies. These 3 on it Theology are great and much information can be harvested

    — Donald, United States
  • Yet again, Dr Averbeck did a very instructive, useful and interesting series! May the Lord bless him and your ministry!

    — Martin, United States
  • Thank you for all you have taught me. May the Lord bless you and your work.

    — William, United States

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Course Wrap-Up
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Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 24 Lessons
  • 44 Min Average
  • Course Award

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Audios Transcripts

Richard E. Averbeck, PhD

Course Provider


Course content is provided courtesy of Institute of Theological Studies (ITS).