
This course explores the Scripture’s teachings on soteriology in order to know how one is saved and to understand the impact of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.


Soteriology means different things to different people. Buddhism views salvation as a death of desire. Hinduism sees salvation as an end to samsara. Muslims surrender themselves as they repent and atone for their sins while Sikhism looks to one’s personal meditation and discipline to achieve union with God. But what about Christianity? What does the Bible teach about salvation? In this course, Dr. H. Phillip Hook explores the Scripture’s teachings on soteriology in order to know how one is saved and to understand the impact of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

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  1. Explain how Christian salvation differs from other soteriologies.
  2. Understand the Bible’s teaching on salvation.
  3. Identify the key Scripture references for soteriology.
  4. Praise God more fully for the salvation provided through His Son.
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • This course has helped me to sharpen my beliefs regarding the security of the believer and I am so grateful for that. Thank you for providing this course on Soteriology . I have learned much from it.

    — Sidney, United States
  • This was a great course and I learned so much! Thank you and God bless you all.

    — Laurie, Canada
  • There was an enormous amount of information in this course, I sequenced the course along with Christology because to Me there will always be a parallel in the study Of Christ Jesus to more knowledge of God and the path we must travail , and it is important to note what sin is to Me, may NOT be another’s Sin issue. One of the major factors of not “judging” another is not to pretend to now anything about their life and what is good for them other than the saving grace of God. An excellent course and I am certain I will continue to review and monitor many of the areas and subjects discussed.

    — Jeff, United States
  • I found the course helpful in sorting out my ideas about salvation. I do not think it is suitable for everyone.

    — Paul, United States
  • I have learnt a lot from this program. thanks and God bless you.

    — Stephen, United States
  • I will treasure the course contents forever.

    — Donald, United States
  • Excellent study. It was very thorough and filled with corroborating scripture and analysis.

    — Kim, United States
  • Keep more coming....i love what you do and how you do it...thank you

    — Trevor, United States

Course Content

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Lesson Fourteen
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Lesson Fifteen
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Lesson Sixteen
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Lesson Seventeen
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Lesson Nineteen
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Lesson Twenty
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Lesson Twenty-One
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Lesson Twenty-Three
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Lesson Twenty-Four
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Course Wrap-Up
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Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 24 Lessons
  • 28 Min Average
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Transcripts

H. Phillip Hook, ThD (1932-2011)

Course Provider


Course content is provided courtesy of Institute of Theological Studies (ITS).