Contemporary Theology I: Hegel to Death of God Theologies

This course examines the major developments in Western thought prior to Hegel, followed by Hegel's, Kierkegaard's, Barth's, Bultmann's, and Tillich's theologies.


For good or for bad, philosophy has played a pivotal role in the development of theology and culture. In this course, learners examine the major trends in contemporary theological thought in light of their philosophical contexts. The course begins with a review of the major developments in Western thought prior to Hegel, and then explores the theologies of Hegel, Kierkegaard, Barth, Bultmann, and Tillich. The course culminates in the “Death of God” theologies of Paul Van Buren and Thomas Altizer. The course enables learners to evaluate contemporary, non-evangelical theologies and to recognize their impact on everyday life.

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Study Guide
  1. Know the major trends in contemporary, non-evangelical thought.
  2. Understand the presuppositions (philosophical and otherwise) that generate such modern theologies.
  3. Recognize and defend against such views.
  4. Better comprehend orthodox positions through analysis of errant views.
  5. Apply Old Testament theology to life and ministry.
  • This course is very good. It is better studied by a younger student and a necessary study as it evaluates false doctrine on a different level. But this old dog has learned much of what teachers have said and how some have twisted Scripture and Christian thinking.

    — Donald J, United States
  • In the world of deep philosophical thinkers this course would perhaps be riveting and intriguing. However, in the real world of Christian living I feel it has little to offer to further one's spiritual growth. It does offer perspectives from renown men in their fields of study and will educate on concepts that might have to be addressed once in a great while. In my experience as a pastor and teacher, with nearly thirty years of active service I have never had to deal with the God is Dead theology or to have someone come to me to assure them they really existed. Rather, I have found the answers (all of them) in the teaching and application of God's inspired Word. I am not seeking to be a critic but a rational one without platitudes and psychological propaganda. I did learn some things but most of it would have little value in my everyday Christian ministry.

    — Kim, United States
  • I do think the instructor tried to present ideas of these men to us and spent a great deal of time and effort in constructing this course. I do not see that this course is valuable to other than the curious and people who want themselves to be theologians and must understand these men who claim such a title. And since I took this course out of curiosity it did tell me where modern theologians are and why so as a result of these comments I need to upgrade my original assessment since the instructor did do an adequate job explaining a very difficult field. I would only recommend this course to the very curious and to theologians.

    — Karin, United States
  • It is a very deep study, keep up the good job. However objectives would in my opinion, better enhanced my understanding.

    — Stephen, United States
  • I enjoyed the course although the teacher could have used better examples or explanations, because sometimes the individuals spoken of can use language that is not very clear and hard to understand

    — Jason, United States

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Course Wrap-Up
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Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 24 Lessons
  • 43 Min Average
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Transcripts

John S. Feinberg, PhD

Course Provider


Course content is provided courtesy of Institute of Theological Studies (ITS).